داستان آبیدیک

counterfeit medicine


1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: داروهای تقلبی

According to the European Medicines Agency, 'falsified medicines are fake medicines that are designed to mimic real medicines' - that is, a product that passes itself off as a real, authorised medicine - while 'counterfeit medicines are medicines that do not comply with intellectual-property rights or that infringe trademark law' - that is, a product made by someone other than the genuine manufacturer, by copying or imitating an original product without authority or rights (EMA, 2015). Internationally, there is not an agreed definition, and the World Health Organization (WHO) addresses the problem with a broader definition that encapsulates both concepts: 'А counterfeit medicine is one which is deliberately and fraudulently mislabelled with respect to identity and/or source. Counterfeit medicines include all types of medicinal product, both OTC medicines and POMs, as well as enhancement drugs, and the WHO called the problem of counterfeit medicines 'a growing threat to public health around the world' (WHO, 2010). The criminal market for counterfeit medicines was estimated to be worth criminal opportunities in the online trade in counterfeit medicines and affected the market in a number of different ways.

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